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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Natural Treatments for Arrhythmia...Woosa

You may have been wondering what are my options for treating arrhythmia that does not include all of these medications with side effects and costly procedures. Well I found a few natural treatments that may be of help, but please keep in mind they are not often enough to fully treat the arrhythmia. Please consult with your doctor about diagnosis and treatments. These things listed below may not be your complete solution but they will definitely not make it will certainly make you a healthier individual that leads a better lifestyle than one that could make your condition worse.


Clearly smoking is not good for your lungs or any other part of your respiratory system. So what would make you think it is good for your heart? Smoking can further complicate heart problems, so stopping as soon as possible is advisable. Even if you don't have a heart problem, please stop for your own health!

2. Avoid Alcohol

Alcohol can cause arrhythmias after one single drink simply because it depresses the central nervous system, keeping it from operating properly. (And no, drinking more than one will not make the arrhythmia go away nor will it make you feel better!) It is clearly never a smart move if you make the body stressed about anything you can avoid.

3. Relaxation

Have you ever taken a deep breath and suddenly felt your body relax just a little bit? Just the simple act of breathing deeply somehow puts the body at ease, right? Taking a deeper breath brings in more oxygen, which is delivered to the rest of the organs, calming the body. This helps combat stress and mental tensions as well, which will certainly make you feel better and is at least good for the sanity. (The bonus is that it is good for your health as well.)

4. Exercise!

By now, you probably feel like I'm a broken record that is just preaching away...But maybe you admit that any frustration/annoyance displaying on your face is because you know all of the above is true, right? Ok then, onward we go! Any excess weight is obviously weight that must be carried around every step of the way. This excess weight makes the heart have to work harder to get blood to all of the bigger (and no, not better) parts of the body. Now you don't have to look like a super model to be healthier than whatever your current state is. Not only can exercise help you lose weight, but it helps combat stress and releases endorphins in the body that are great for cardiac health. Surely any more sanity that can be gained from the daily stress of life would be warmly welcomed! Try simple exercises such as yoga, aerobics, fitness ball, cycling, dancing or walking on a daily basis to improve the overall health of your heart. I have found that having a partner (husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend, neighbor, parent, child, anyone!) in exercise keeps you entertained and motivated! You will have no idea how true this is until you have done a fitness class (or any exercise) with someone and then without someone. The difference is phenomenal-just make sure you don't spend more time talking than exercising!

5. Natural Herbs/Supplements

a. Omega-3 Fatty Acids
I know, these things are all over the news. What is so magical about something that has the word Fat and Acid in it? After extensive research into Omega-3 Fatty acids it has been determined that it strengthens the heart muscles and helps PREVENT arrhythmias!! Omega-3 Fatty Acid tablets can be found Over the Counter at most grocery stores and drug stores/pharmacy chains. It can also be found in foods (fish): such as sardines, salmon and mackerel. Consider adding these to your diet for a healthier heart!

b. Garlic
Whether you want to keep the vampires away or have a healthier heart, neither one hurts! Garlic has a ton of antioxidants (yes, the cool word that boosts your immunity--also found in blueberries and other yuumier tasting foods) and sulfur compounds that are great for overall heart health. Similar to Omega-3 Fatty Acids, garlic can be taken as a tablet or thrown in the mixture of your diet...but I'm pretty sure I know which one is less appealing. Don't forget to brush your teeth too...this won't help your heart but could be the deal breaker between getting a date with someone that makes your heart flutter or not. =)

c. Dilguard
Dilguard is a supplement that strengthens the heart muscles and provides immunity support as well. This herbal remedy is available as a vegetable capsule and should be taken on a regular basis in order to improve your cardiac health. Dilguard Plus capsules reduces platelet aggregation, lowers LDL (bad cholesterol) and maintain HDL (good cholesterol) levels.


Quit stressing out about all of the things mentioned above that you may or may not be doing and just in general, quit stressing out as much as humanly possible. Stress alone may not be the cause of an arrhythmia but stress does lead to elevated blood pressure levels and cholesterol levels....which as we well know leads to heart problem later down the road. Stress triggers your "fight-or-flight" response, sending hormones flying and heart rates racing. The rate of blood flow increases, which increases blood pressure. Your body automatically releases fatty acids into the blood stream, which increases your cholesterol levels. Under chronic stress, the continued release of cortisol (hormone released from adrenal glands) seems to have some effect on where fat is deposited in the body, most often in the abdomen (again read #4 above-more weight=harder for the heart)! All of these things I just mentioned can lead to serious heart problems if the patient does not cut back on whatever it is that stresses them out! Remember those deep breaths I talked about earlier...they really help make you feel better, even if it's only temporary! We all know stress isn't going away any time soon and we also know it negatively affects our really try to avoid it if at all possible. Whether it is financial, time-management, too much on your plate, loneliness, whatever...try to find someone or something that helps!

As mentioned above, none of these solutions are enough to make you completely, 100% healthy. If it were and we all followed all of these tips, we would not even need to have this discussion! Combining all of the above along with any additional treatments, medications or procedures that your doctor recommends will certainly improve your cardiac health. Don't try them all at once...this may overload you with more than you can handle. Maybe try adding one of these to the roster every week. Piling them all up at once may make you stressed out...which of course is not the goal!

If you have ever seen Bad Boys with Will Smith...Woosa...

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