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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Atrial Fibrillation Quick Fix?!

Watch out folks...keep your eyes and ears open for a new atrial fibrillation procedure coming to town! Even though Europe has been doing this "new" technique for approximately 2 years now, Canada is in its trial stages and the United States have begun investigations into its future clinical usage.

Again, atrial fibrillation is the most common irregular heart rhythm worldwide. The upper chambers (atria) beat rapidly and spiradically, disturbing the heart's ability to pump blood efficiently to the lower chambers (venticles) and the rest of the body. AF is responsible for 20 percent of strokes...thus the importance of newer, more efficient procedures to assist more patients rapidly, effectively and also affordably!

Two doctors in a Toronto regional health center have treated at least six patients with this new ablation technology. For the traditional treatment, 4 catheters are placed in large veins in the neck and groin. For the new technology, only 1 catheter is placed (groin). The tissue destruction method targets and eliminates the part of the heart that causes the rhythm problems, just like other ablation techniques. So what makes this so special?

The procedure can be performed in 75 PERCENT LESS TIME! This means doctors can do more procedures per day, which means they can get to other patients faster and making everyone feel better quicker! Also, because it is done more efficiently, the patient does not have to be exposed to as much radiation! Yet another benefit for patients with this new procedure is the recovery time....a patient can be on their feet within 4 hours of the treatment rather than about a day. Why would a patient or a doctor not opt for this treatment?!

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